Based in Philadelphia, DeRienzoCRE is a blog by David DeRienzo.  David is an investment sales expert with Equity Retail Brokers.  The posts explore all things related to Retail. 

Brookfield Made a $15 Billion Unsolicited Offer for GGP

Brookfield Made a $15 Billion Unsolicited Offer for GGP

The $15 billion offer by Brookfield was first reported by the Wall Street Journal on Sunday (11/12).   The takeover would make Brookfield one of the largest real estate companies in the world with almost $100 billion in real estate assets.  The combined net operating income would be almost $5 billion.

Read More at Globe St. 

5-Year GGP

5-Year GGP

This offer illustrates the current lopsidedness of net asset values relative to market caps that REIT's are currently experiencing industry-wide.  I would expect more M&A activity to increase as REIT valuations continue at their current levels. 

Interest Rate Recap for the start of 2018

Interest Rate Recap for the start of 2018

Shopping Center REIT's Continue to Take a Beating

Shopping Center REIT's Continue to Take a Beating